The art of weaving

The art of weaving

Thus-prepared wicker is then ready for further manual treatment. The best craftsmen arrive at the scene. Imagination moves the wheel of the manual virtuoso’s machine, creating beautiful wicker baskets, rocking-chairs, screens, chairs, cradles, fences, and many more wonderful wicker products, which serve not only for everyday use, but also please the eye in not one modern gallery.

The basket-maker, or weaver, takes advantage of what the wicker offers him: elasticity, flexibility, permeability, and – of course – of the willow’s aesthetic properties. With the help of his hands, plaits and junctions, he creates various useful and decorative objects: wicker furniture – tables, chairs, rocking-chairs, cabinets, flower stands, couches, cradles, but also baskets large and small, chests, containers, toys, Christmas tree decorations, objects put on display in galleries, as well as those that serve as modern monuments. In his work the basket-maker utilizes both traditional and completely new patterns and plaits. Modern ones often give unheard of and surprising effects. Due to the peculiarity of the raw material that is wicker, as well as to problems with construction, there exist many weaving specialties: manufacturers of wicker baskets or of wicker furniture, wicker artists creating solely for the needs of an art gallery, or modern creators of a peculiar type of fashion and jewelry, though they are appearing on the world’s runways with increasing frequency.